Sunday, April 19, 2009

Meet Gertie!

Here is Gertie being held by my Boo yesterday. She is a Border Terrier, nearly 3 weeks old and we pick her up on 30th May.

I’ve wanted a dog for years but it’s never felt like the right time. Now living here, on the river, with parks and marshes all around it seemed criminal not to have one. Not that I haven’t wrestled with it of course. It’s a huge commitment. That’s my style though. Over think, worry, analyse to death, blah blah blah. But just look at her! Right decision, eh? Isn’t she GORGEOUS?!

With puppy love



Butch Boo said...

She's got your nose Rose!


Holden said...

She is lovely. Can't wait to meet her in real life.

Anonymous said...

She's just scrumptious, like her Mama QR, roll on May 30th! fimg x

Gypsy said...

Aww, she's lovely!

Anonymous said...

Parabéns pelo seu excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar o meu blog e conhecer um pouco sobre o Brasil. Abração

Anonymous said...

OMG Gertie is so cute. And what an awesome name! I can't wait to see more pictures of that cute face. You absolutely made the right decision. Having a fuzzy baby is the best!

Anonymous said...

Adorable !

|Queer Rose said...

Thanks everyone! I'm counting down the days! QRx

Dar Levy said...

Hey Gertie! She is Gorgeous! Border Terrier's are my favourite dogs! ... Though I wouldn't tell my Fizz that, and I wouldn't trade my fuzzy white dust mop of a dog in any day. :) ... So has she moved in yet, or are you still counting?

|Queer Rose said...

Hi Dar - still counting! 4 weeks and one day to go! Will be sure to pop over to your place for a photo of the lovely Fizz QRx